Saturday, March 22, 2014

Day 491: Hill Training!?!

Day 491:  Hill Training!?!

So today was the second time I have ever purposely run up a hill in order to train for a race.  It was a good thing I was with a group because it was hard!  The really cool thing was I actually had a running partner and I'm not talking about one of the faster runners slowing down to keep pace with me either.  We had a new person join us today who only recently started running again after being sick most of the winter.

Together we tackled the one mile warm-up.  Then challenged each other to run up the short steep hill 5 times (everyone else did 10 reps).  Followed by a half mile recovery lap before moving on to the long gentle slop; 3 reps for us, 5 for everyone else.  Then one more half mile lap before the really steep and tall hill 2 times! 

Looking back at today, I should have taken pictures.  It was cold and wet, definitely not the best weather conditions.  Plus the grass was soggy from all the recent snow melt.  So instead, I found some pictures on the Internet. 

This is what I imagined I would look while hill training:

Here is what I really looked like after the first 3 runs up a hill:

Yep, that was me.  Bent double trying not to heave my breakfast all over the trail. 

Now, my legs just feel weak and sore.  Tomorrow I'll go for a nice long run (I hope). Maybe if I keep this up I will reach my goal of running the Rockdale Ramble in 90 minutes.

Hills are my friends,

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Day 489: It's Spring! Finally!

Day 489:   It's Spring!  Finally!

Today is the first day of Spring and International Happiness Day.  So, what does any "normal" person do?  Why, run of course!  I just got back from a much needed run.  Not only  have I been cooped up because of the weather, but I ended up taking 8 weeks off for the flu, car accident, jury duty, and then a hip injury.  It got so depressing that I just started dating everything 2015 in hopes that the misery of 2014 would end sooner.
Then I came across this post from Life in the Day of a Runner on my Facebook page:
What motivation!  For me, running isn't really about losing weight (even though that would be a nice side effect), or being fast.  It's about being a better person - a better mom, a better wife.  Running lets me clear my head and discover what is really important in life. 
- Breathing:  Take a deep breathe and relax.  God's got this.
- Vision: Take time to not just look around but really see the things and people around you.  (There was one Canadian Goose standing on one leg with is wings just slight spread out from his body to help him balance.  I wouldn't have seen that if I was speeding around in a car running errands.)
- Endurance:  Life is hard and sometimes we just have to endure really tough periods of time.  Without endurance, I would never make to the other side much less a finish line.
So, in the words of Brian Metzler: Just run.
Running toward the important,