Day 3:
So with my second day of PT under my belt, I am reminded of how repetitive life can get. I come in and do some table work and chat with the PT. Do some floor work and joking around with other patients. Back to the table for manual manipulation, ice, and comparing to do lists. Repeat again next week.
How much of life is like that? Get up. Go to work. Come home. Go to bed. Repeat tomorrow.
What about running? Put your shoes on. Get out the door. Run. Come home. Repeat.
So, why do it? Is it that all of us like repetition? Is it because it is easy? Or is there something else going on?
I know I like some repetition, but too much is boring. I also know that sometimes I don't always get it right the first time either and need to do it over. A LOT!
The Israelites had the same problem. God sent Moses to bring them out of Egypt, across the desert and into the Promised Land. Easy right? Well, the Israelites had some trouble doing what they were suppose to do and ended up walking in circles. I remember a pastor once saying it was like God would say, "Do this." And the Israelites said, "Um, no." And God said, "Take another lap!"
Good thing my PT's are so nice 'cause I think I was just told to, "Take another lap!"
Enjoy the laps!
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