Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 4: Orange Juice

Day 4:

Chest cold hit hard today.  Got a note from the doctor so I could gracefully pull out of tomorrow's race.  Completed my exercises.

I worked really hard for two months in order to run tomorrow.  Now, I'm sidelined for awhile.  Well, the pity is almost over.  (Actually, the orange juice is almost gone and the cold medicine is kicking in.)  Time to get siked up to cheer on some friends tomorrow morning.  I am reminded of Ecclesiastes 3:3-5 which says:

3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
God has repeatedly torn me down this year, only to build me back up stronger.  (My knee is proof of that.)
Tonight, just like two weeks ago, is a time to weep and mourn.  Tomorrow morning will be a time to laugh and dance. 
I will keep building until my ankle is healed and then I will do more than just laugh and dance.  I will run!
Cheering joyfully on the sidelines.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day 3: Squat, Squeeze, Ice, Repeat

Day 3:

So with my second day of PT under my belt, I am reminded of how repetitive life can get.  I come in and do some table work and chat with the PT.  Do some floor work and joking around with other patients.  Back to the table for manual manipulation, ice, and comparing to do lists.  Repeat again next week.

How much of life is like that?  Get up.  Go to work.  Come home. Go to bed.  Repeat tomorrow.

What about running?  Put your shoes on.  Get out the door.  Run.  Come home.  Repeat.

So, why do it?  Is it that all of us like repetition?  Is it because it is easy?  Or is there something else going on?

I know I like some repetition, but too much is boring.  I also know that sometimes I don't always get it right the first time either and need to do it over.  A LOT!

The Israelites had the same problem.  God sent Moses to bring them out of Egypt, across the desert and into the Promised Land.  Easy right?  Well, the Israelites had some trouble doing what they were suppose to do and ended up walking in circles.  I remember a pastor once saying it was like God would say, "Do this."  And the Israelites said, "Um, no."  And God said, "Take another lap!"

Good thing my PT's are so nice 'cause I think I was just told to, "Take another lap!"

Enjoy the laps! 


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 2: The Alphabet

Day 2:

Physical Therapy started last night and the promised homework starts tonight.  Normally, on Wednesday nights, I run with a friend while our kids are in junior high youth group.  Tonight, I wrote the alphabet with my big toe.  Have you tried this?  It's harder than you think (or at least harder than I thought).  Imagine have a sandbox at your feet and have to write this blog with your big toe without moving your knee and hip.  Go ahead! Try it!  I dare you!

I'll give you another minute.

How did it go? 

Well, for me, it hurt.  Wow, I forgot how many different muscles are in that little bitty ankle.  Time for some ice. 

Happy running!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 1: Restart

Day 1:  Restart doesn't feel like the right title.  I started running in September and have had a few set backs.  Well, I should say the set backs started long before then.  It really started with a New Year's Resolution on January 1, 2012.  I vowed to start exercising in hopes of losing weight.  Here we are 11 months later and I have not lost a pound despite my best efforts.  I know sounds depressing doesn't it?

Here's a break down of my efforts:
* January signed up for an exercise class called Boot Camp (and yes the name describes just how tough the class is).
*February started having trouble with my left knee.  You know, the one I was diagnosed with chronic tendonitis at 15, tore cartilage in 2006 and dislocated after my first attempt at being a runner in 2009.
*March diagnosed with a loose knee cap.  (What fun to have a knee cap that won't stay put!)  Started physical therapy that lasted longer than the class.  (All the way through May!)
*Lent came and went with me giving up pop, working out at least 4 times a week and losing nothing!
*Summer was spent being bummed about lack of progress and working my tail off at my day job.
*September offered a fresh start.  With a taped knee, I am ready to run!
*October brings a sore ankle and two weeks off of running.
*November . . . well that brings an even more sore ankle and a new diagnoses of ... You guessed it! Tendonitis!  In my ankle!

Today I started physical therapy again.  Keep your fingers crossed and I hope to see you out on the trails by Christmas.  (Maybe the weight will come off next year.)

Running Free Finally!  Third times the charm.