Saturday, March 22, 2014

Day 491: Hill Training!?!

Day 491:  Hill Training!?!

So today was the second time I have ever purposely run up a hill in order to train for a race.  It was a good thing I was with a group because it was hard!  The really cool thing was I actually had a running partner and I'm not talking about one of the faster runners slowing down to keep pace with me either.  We had a new person join us today who only recently started running again after being sick most of the winter.

Together we tackled the one mile warm-up.  Then challenged each other to run up the short steep hill 5 times (everyone else did 10 reps).  Followed by a half mile recovery lap before moving on to the long gentle slop; 3 reps for us, 5 for everyone else.  Then one more half mile lap before the really steep and tall hill 2 times! 

Looking back at today, I should have taken pictures.  It was cold and wet, definitely not the best weather conditions.  Plus the grass was soggy from all the recent snow melt.  So instead, I found some pictures on the Internet. 

This is what I imagined I would look while hill training:

Here is what I really looked like after the first 3 runs up a hill:

Yep, that was me.  Bent double trying not to heave my breakfast all over the trail. 

Now, my legs just feel weak and sore.  Tomorrow I'll go for a nice long run (I hope). Maybe if I keep this up I will reach my goal of running the Rockdale Ramble in 90 minutes.

Hills are my friends,

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