Two weeks ago I ran my fastest run and felt great! Since then my runs have gone down hill. I have had a cold, cramping calves, and tonight an unhappy digestive tract. Running is hard! And sometimes down right depressing.
It seems that no matter how much personal growth I make, I am still so far behind my fellow runners their dust has already settled by the time I catch up. Every setback, no matter how small, seems devastating.
It's times like these that I am glad I spent so much time memorizing Bible verses as a teen. 2 Corinthians 4:18 comes to mind. "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." I have to remember that I run not just to meet some arbitrary goal or to keep up with all the "cool" running kids. I run because I can. I run because I enjoy the feeling moving fast. The wind in my face, the sun shinning down, the fresh air of the trails, and even the solitude of running alone.
It is the unseen pleasures of running that matter the most. These are things that can't be measured by clocks or distance.
I think I just needed to remind myself of why I run. Maybe if I start my next run with these things in mind, it will go better.
Remembering why I run,

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