The Year of Healing
I can't believe it has been over two and a half years since I started my running journey. I thought the months of physical therapy I went through just to get to the point of running was hard, but this last year has proven to be harder. I learned that physical training is hard, but the work behind emotional healing is even harder.
It was just over a year ago when my life was turned upside down by a storm. Everything that had made me feel safe and secure had been damaged. There was a hole in my roof and fear in my heart. Running grew more challenging because of frequent panic attacks due to PTSD.
My evening runs grew infrequent because I was having panic attacks during my runs. Then my husband brought home a dog named Heidi. She became my running partner for several months. During that time, my panic attacks lessened and even stopped during my runs.
Today, I was able to go for a two and a half mile run alone without a panic attack and without Heidi. I still have panic attacks when it rains or I get stressed out, but I'm hoping that soon running will be a place that relieves stress once again.